
Future Multi-Agency Public Safety Facility 

On May 30, 2024, we celebrated the groundbreaking of the new Chatham County Multi-Agency Public Safety Facility. This state-of-the-art facility will house several critical agencies including the Savannah Airport Commission, the Department of Public Safety, the Chatham County Emergency Dispatch Center, the Chatham County Non-Emergency Call Center, the Chatham County Emergency Operations Center, and the administrative offices for both 911, and Chatham Emergency Management Agency. Additionally, it will serve as the Emergency Operations Center for the Savannah Airport Commission.

This facility is specifically engineered to withstand the devastating forces of Category 5 hurricane winds, it is constructed at an elevation that minimizes the risks associated with freshwater flooding and storm surges. Strategically located near I-95 and I-16 highways, it offers prime access for air transport and is close enough to facilitate the efficient movement of resources from the port and other areas.

Dennis Jones, Director of the Chatham Emergency Management Agency, remarked, “The state-of-the-art facility will help propel Chatham County into the future of emergency response and recovery efforts and as we stand on this ground today, we are not just breaking earth, we are breaking barriers, we are breaking down walls of uncertainty and laying down the foundation for a safer and stronger community. This facility symbolizes our unwavering commitment to protection, service, and innovation.”

Director Jones's remarks underscore the broader vision behind the project: to enhance the county’s ability to manage emergencies effectively and safeguard its residents with advanced infrastructure and coordinated services. This new facility is more than just a building; it represents a significant leap forward in the community’s commitment to safety. Reflecting a proactive approach to future challenges and threats, the groundbreaking ceremony marks the beginning of a new era in Chatham County’s emergency management, setting a precedent for resilience and preparedness.

Article written by Nicole Neininger

