
Community Emergency Response Team

Offical Chatham CERT Logo Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is about readiness, people helping people, rescuer safety, and doing the greatest good for the greatest number. CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency situations where citizens will be initially on their own and their actions can make a difference. Through training, citizens can manage utilities and put out small fires; treat the three killers by opening airways, controlling bleeding, and treating for shock; provide basic first aid; search for and rescue victims safely; and to be effective during an emergency.

Community Emergency Response Team Training is available to churches, businesses, and neighborhood groups in our region!

Chatham County Citizens Corps Council was formed as part of a National and statewide effort designed to help neighborhoods prepare for and respond to catastrophic disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and other major emergencies.

CERT Volunteers are specifically needed to provide support to local agencies and to help with large scale urban shelters in case of future emergency needs!!

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CERT training will teach participants to:
• Take steps to prepare themselves for a disaster
• Identify and reduce potential fire hazards in their homes and workplaces
• Apply basic fire suppression strategies, resources and safety measures Apply techniques for opening airways, controlling bleeding and treating shock
• Conduct triage under simulated conditions
• Select and set up treatment areas
• Employ basic treatments for various wounds
• Identify planning and size-up requirements for potential search and rescue situations
• Use safe techniques for debris removal and victim extraction

How can you become a CERT Volunteer?

Our next CERT class will held in the fall. Classes are typically taught over three Saturdays from 8:30 am- 4:30 pm. All three classes are required to complete the course and receive certification. If you are interested in attending our next class, please email Chelsea Sawyer!

If you have any questions about the course, please reach out to Chelsea Sawyer.